Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 7: Shaping Up the Scripts

Today we watched more of last semester's 370/240 productions and some short videos from the Treo Film Festival, and talked about story structure, rising action, change and movement, and using video and sound elements to tell story and communicate "signals" (genre conventions, story-structure elements) to the audience so that they feel receptive as opposed to confused or bored.

We also had a visit from Skye Christensen, who answered lots of questions about script producibility and logistics. As we come up with more questions, Amanda and Angela will act as our liasons with the 240/241 class; we also have several people who have taken 240/241 and can help with production and writing advice.

If you missed class today, please check in the BECA office for work I handed back, and make arrangements with me for getting today's assignment turned in (ideally, get it to my BECA office mailbox by 2:00 Thursday). Also be sure to talk with a few people in class to get filled in on the discussion you missed.

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