Monday, February 04, 2008

Week 2: Sitcom Structure and Beatsheets

Today we watched the pilot episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, "Love is All Around". We discussed three-act dramatic structure, the importance of establishing dramatic need in the setup (the first few minutes of the script), and the use of beatsheets as a way for the writer to keep a list of things that need to happen in order for the scene/story to make sense.

Your homework for the week was to watch 2 TV shows (at least one of them should be a sitcom) and write a beatsheet for each episode (the whole show, not just the setup). I suggest choosing a show that you tape off of TV or have on DVD so you can rewind/rewatch scenes as needed.

Please type the beatsheets, 12-point font, double-spaced, staple, and turn in to the BECA office by the end of Monday.

I am at a conference, so we won't be meeting on Monday; here is your homework for the week:

  1. Read this article on sitcom structure.
  2. Choose one of the episodes you wrote a beatsheet for, and answer the questions in Micheal's Comedy Checklist as they apply to that episode. Type up your answers and bring to class next week.

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